Sunday, March 6, 2011

Desk Makeover!

Here it is. My craft desk. A little crowded, ehe??

I could never find anything, and something was always buried under something else. I couldn't leave stuff on the floor or the cat would attack it. It really wasn't the best place to feel inspired and creative.
The drawers in the desk are packed as is the craft cart next to it. Getting rid of the stuff was not an option!!
I always knew I wanted shelves to go on the wall above the desk, but I could never find one's I liked. They were either the wrong color, size, or price. I finally asked my dad if he could whip some up for me. He was happy to take on the challenge!!

Sooo much stuff....

Here is the desk completely empty. It's HUGE! That's why it was so frustrating to not have any room.

I was SO excited to get them up!! I think it was all I could talk about for a few days. The girls at work probably thought I was crazy because I was ecstatic to get shelving!
And my poor dad wakes up at 4am every morning to be at work by 5:30am just to work an eight hour day. He came over when I was off of work and spent his evening putting them up. I was very grateful!

My dad hard at work!
Here is the final product! Not too shabby!
The great thing is we can take them with us when we finally move in to a house.

Look how close to perfectly level that is! I told my dad what a great job he did on that and his response was "It could have been better". He's a perfectionist.

Josh helped me pick the brackets from Lowes. The problem with custom size shelves is it's difficult to find brackets that will fit. The shelves only come out from the wall about 6 inches. Most brackets we found would have been longer than the shelves. My dad had to mount them upside down to fit. It works well though.

Now, the final product! A place for everything and everything in its place is my motto when it comes to my craft area. I love being able to see what I have, how much of it I have left, and where it is!
I LOVE to organize! If we had more space in our apartment, I would be rearranging all the time. This worries my husband as he usually can't find anything as it is. :)

I like to reuse old jars to hold my various craft items instead of spending money on them. The tall jars hold some rubber stamps. The little jars have random embellishments in them. I bought them at Ikea for about $3 on sale!

Paintbrushes... Obviously :)
I'm on the look out for another way to store them. My cat gets up there in the middle of the night and likes to eat my brushes. Little jerk! ;)

This is not part of my desk, but I wanted to share it. I found it at Pier 1 on sale after Christmas. I'm always thinking of ways to keep the room fun and try to get my creative juices going. Since we rent an apartment, our options are limited. Above my desk I have post cards I have collected (well, post cards people got me on their travels), pics of my friends, old family pics, and various other pictures I find pretty.

I'm so relieved to have a place to sprawllll out and use effectively! I still have room on the shelves to rearrange and add more if I need to. I actually enjoy going in that room again. For a while it just made me sad to see the mess of stuff I had - and in some cases forgot I had!
Last night I sat at my newly organized and just pondered all the new things I'm going to make!
What do you think? Can you see where I could move some things around to use the space better? What does your craft room/area look like? :)