Saturday, December 24, 2011

My To-Watchlist - Part Two

Here begins part two of my anticipated movies. Again, they will appear in order of release date. 

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    • Release date: December 20, 2011
    • Description:  Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by Lisbeth Salander, a young computer hacker.
    • Why it's on the list: I haven't read the book series, although I know people who have and they loved it. So, it's definitely on my to-read list (hmmm, another blog list series....?). The real reason why I want to see this is because I've seen the three original Swedish films and loved them! Noomi Rapace was an excellent Lisbeth Salander. You know when you see a film and think "Wow, what a great performance! I can't think of another person who could have pulled this role off". That's how I felt watching Mrs. Rapace. I'm curious to see how Rooney Mara does.  I also have to admit, I got a little lost with the Swedish version (subtitles never scare me off, but it's hard to read and follow the action at times). Maybe watching the movie in English I'll pick up on more :)
  • The Darkest Hour
    • Release date: December 25, 2011
    • Description:  In Moscow, five young people lead the charge against an alien race who have attacked Earth via our power supply.
    • Why it's on the list: Moscow seems like an interesting backdrop. An alien invasion and a post-apocalyptic type world is not a new theme (Especially since we're now less than a year a way from "the end".....), so I have a feeling more movies of this genre will be coming out. The "invisible aliens" use electricity as energy to pass through the city and destroy everything in it's path. It's going to be heavy on CGI and thrills. Sounds like a great way to spend an hour an a half to me. 
  • The Devil Inside
    • Release date: January 6, 2012
    • Description:  In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.
    • Why it's on the list: I hadn't heard anything about this movie until I was leaving the movie theater a few weeks ago and saw the poster. I instantly wanted to see it. Oh, and the rumor is it's "based on a true story". Now I was really hooked! No, I don't believe the movie is based on truth (yes, Hollywood, something like this happened to someone somewhere at some point in time - that doesn't make it fact). But, it looks like it's good for a few chills and some jumping-out-of-my-seat moments.
  • Underworld Awakening
    • Release date: January 20, 2012
    • Description:  When human forces discover the existence of the Vampire and Lycan clans, a war to eradicate both species commences. The vampire warrioress Selene leads the battle against humankind.
    • Why it's on the list:  I've been a fan of the Underworld series since the the first Underworld in 2003. It's (personally) one of the better Vampire vs Werewolf movies out there. All the Vamp and Werewolf movies/TV shows take their own creative liberty with how and why they are what they are. Some Vamps can see their reflection, some can't. Some series have you believe one bite from a Vampire turns you in to one of them, some series it's a long process. Some Werewolves can shift any time they want, some can only shift at the full moon. Either way, it's fun to watch. And as if Selene didn't have enough to worry about, now the humans are after her. [Ed. note: Is a human versus a Vampire really a fight?? I guess we'll find out.] My only worry about this movie is it's being released in January. Traditionally, January is Hollywood's dumping ground for movies that can't quite make the summer or winter cut. Also, Len Wiseman only has a writing credit for this one. He directed the first two installments, and did a fantastic job. Rise of the Lycans was good, but it revolved around the Lycan history and it just didn't have the same feel as the first two. Prequels don't seem have the same magic that the original had. But, I will not let those facts sway my opinion on the movie.
  • The Grey
    • Release date: January 27, 2012
    • Description:  In Alaska, an oil drilling team struggle to survive after a plane crash strands them in the wild. Hunting the humans are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders.
    • Why it's on the list: This looks like a cross between Alive (plane crash in remote and snowy location while fighting to survive) and Taken (a pissed off Liam Neeson kicking ass). As I've stated above, a January release date has me worried. But I'm not going to make any assumptions. 
  • The Vow
    • Release date: February 10, 2012
    • Description:  A car accident puts Paige (McAdams) in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe memory loss, her husband Leo (Tatum) works to win her heart again.
    • Why it's on the list: This movie has The Notebook and 50 First Dates written all over it. But, I want to see it anyway. It's like a Lifetime movie, but with talent :)

That concludes part two! Click here to read part one if you wish. 
Any of these movies look particularly interesting to you? Any movies you think I missed?? Let me know!

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