Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My First Blog!

Well, I couldn't resist any longer - I had to start a blog. Whether or not I share the blog, who knows. But I'll know it's here.
With this blog I plan to write about things that interest me. I also plan to start projects that I have been putting off for FAR TO LONG.
Short List of interests: Movies and scrapbooking!
Long list: Movies (all types - I don't discriminate!). I love LOVE scary movies. And funny movies. I really want to try and start writing movie reviews. Just my thoughts and opinions about them.
Scrapbooking is another passion of mine. All things that go with it - Card making, picture frames, and other paper crafts. My future husband (in less than five days!!) bought me a Cricket which I adore. But with all this wedding planning I have yet to really be able to play with it. This summer, that alllll changes!
Photography. I in absolutely no shape or form think of myself as a photographer. I envy the people who see a pretty flower or bird and take a wonderful snap shot. When I try it looks like it was a bad mistake. I'm more of a people picture taker. But again, I hope to keep an eye open for little beautiful things to inspire me. I really gotta put the iPhone4 camera to good use :)
Knitting. I really need to get back to knitting! Scarfs are soooo easy. So easy to do while watching a movie. I need to work on casting on and off. Oh, and making things other than scarfs. I can knit and pearl with the best of them, but I'm sure I can do better!
Beading. Oh my, how I love making jewelry. I have some great tools (again, thanks to my wonderful future husband Josh) to aid in this process that I need to get using!
I so desperately want to learn how to quilt! It doesn't have to be a big quilt. Maybe just a pretty throw for our hideous couch. If I can get going on this, I can make a beautiful baby quilt. Many of my friends have been married for a few years now and might be in the market soon...
COOKING! I hate cooking! I love the finished product, but I hate the process. But, the alternative is massive fat and calorie intake and a depleted bank account. But if I keep it simple on week nights, then it's entirely possible to learn how to mildly enjoy this.
Getting in shape. Isn't this on EVERYONES to do list.... More on this later.
The list goes on and on, but this is good for now. My thought is if I put it on the Internet, maybe some one will hold me accountable!! My other thought is - I'm only 26!! Still sooo young and forever childless! No excuses any more!
To keep this motivation, I'll start out simple - just one or two blog postings a week. EASE in to the whole thing. I tend to find something I enjoy, devote ALL my spare time to it, get burnt out, and stop.
I'm getting married on July 4th, after that my life will go back to normal and hopefully I can keep this going.
If anyone reads this, thanks for stopping by! Drop me a note to keep me motivated!

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