Saturday, December 31, 2011

My To-Watchlist - Part 3

I must say, I've had a lot of fun making this list. As I've said, I try to keep my mind open to different kinds of movies (Independent and foreign especially). The quality of a movie isn't defined by it's massive budget or super star names. 
If you think I'm missing any films, feel free to let me know!

  • Wanderlust
    • Release date: February 24, 2012
    • Description:  Rattled by sudden unemployment, a Manhattan couple surveys alternative living options, ultimately deciding to experiment with living on a rural commune where free love rules.
    • Why it's on the list: I love LOVE Paul Rudd! He's hilarious (I love that sarcastic witty humor), he seems like a genuinely nice guy (rare for Hollywood), and he's in some of my favorite movies of all time ("They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time."). I'm also a big fan of Jennifer Aniston. She's not the best actress ever, but she is enjoyable to watch. The trailer for Wanderlust looks promising, the supporting cast looks great, and a fairly original story is something that I can get on board with!
  • Act of Valor
    • Release date: February 24, 2012
    • Description:  An elite team of Navy SEALs embark on a covert mission to recover a kidnapped CIA agent.
    • Why it's on the list: If you believe the promotional material (the "actors" are active duty SEaLs and the movie is based on actual missions), it will probably be a pretty emotional movie. I'm a sucker for a good war movie (Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down to name a few). If they actors really are active duty military, then hopefully there will be an element of realism that some movies miss the mark on (I can always spot a fake due to my extensive military background....). Whether or not it's real or fiction, it looks like a great movie.
  • The Hunger Games
    • Release date: March 23/2012
    • Description:  Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister's place for the latest match.
    • Why it's on the list:  When the Boarders Books in Gresham was closing, they were having an insanely good sale so of course I had to stock up. I didn't have any specific book in mind to buy; I just happened upon their last copy of The Hunger Games. It sounded interesting and it was, like, 80% off. I couldn't not buy it, right??? I've only read a few chapters so far (another book series has monopolized my reading time), but what I've read I've loved. As always, the book will be better than the movie, but it's always interesting to see the the book come to life on screen. The changes they make, how someone else visualized a character or scenery, or what parts of the book were left out or changed entirely. 
  • Wrath of the Titans
    • Release date: March 30, 2012.
    • Description:  Perseus embarks on a treacherous quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus, who has been targeted for capture by his traitorous son, Ares, and his brother, Hades.
    • Why it's on the list: The trailer speaks for itself. 'Nuff said.
  • What to Expect When You're Expecting
    • Release date: May 11, 2012
    • Description:  A look at the lives of five couples as they prepare to become parents.
    • Why it's on the list: I'm not usually a fan of ensemble movies such as this. Movies like Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve have so many story lines and actors to focus on that I never really feel like I get to know enough about the character and their conflict to care if they reach resolution. On the other hand Love Actually, Gosford Park, and He's Just Not That Into You pulled it off brilliantly. I'm crossing my fingers that WtEWYE falls in the latter group.
  • Battleship
    • Release date: May 19, 2012
    • Description:  A fleet of ships is forced to do battle with an armada of unknown origins in order to discover and thwart their destructive goals.
    • Why it's on the list: Two words: Alexander Skarsgard. Two more words: In uniform. Alright, now that that's been said, we can get down to business. Bit of trivia about me: I'm not a fan of water. I really dislike not being able to see what's in the water. And this movie confirms my fears. This again goes back to my statement that 2012 will be filled with alien/end-of-days/earth-destroying/ect movies. That's not a complaint, just an observation. Battleship looks like a great movie to kick off the 2012 Summer blockbusters!
Next up will be the summer movie forecast! Definitely looking forward to that. 
Any movies I've missed? Any that you're particularly looking forward to? 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Shredded Chicken Enchilada Pasta

Do you like enchiladas? Do you like pasta? Well then this is the dinner for you!
This is another fabulous Pinterest find, and it's oh so delicious. It's basically a chicken enchilada, just replace the tortilla with pasta. 
There are quite a few ingredients, but it's still pretty darn easy to make.

Saute red pepper, onion, and garlic
Add chicken and enchilada sauces
Cheese (I accidentally used too much)
Mmmmm melted cheese
Sour cream - so close to being done!
Ready for pasta!
Why yes. It IS as good as it looks.

  1. 3 garlic cloves, minced
  2. 1 medium onion, diced
  3. 1 red pepper, diced
  4. 1 4 oz. can diced green chillies
  5. 2 10 oz. cans green chili enchilada sauce
  6. 2/3 cups red enchilada sauce
  7. 2 cups shredded cheese (I used the Lucerne Southwest cheese blend)
  8. 1 cup sour cream
  9. 1 package Penne pasta
  10. 1 can low sodium chicken broth

Optional ingredients:
  1. Avocado
  2. Green Onions
  3. Black Olives
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Sour Cream

Shredded chicken:

  1. Pour and set aside the 2/3 cup RED enchilada sauce
  2. In a medium pot bring chicken broth, the left over red enchilada sauce, and one clove minced garlic to a boil
  3. Lightly sprinkle salt and ground black pepper over the chicken breasts and then put the chicken into the sauce. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook until the chicken is cooked through, about 15-20 minutes. Remove the chicken from the sauce. 
  4. Using two forks, shred the chicken breasts by holding one fork steady and slowly scraping the other fork, prongs faced backwards, away from the other fork. 
  5. Set aside


  1. While the chicken is cooking, cook pasta according to packaging. 

  1. Dice red pepper and onion
  2. Heat olive oil in a deep skillet then cook red pepper for 3-5 minutes on medium
  3. Then add the onion and cook 2-4 minutes
  4. Add minced garlic and cook for one more minute
  5. Add shredded chicken, green chillies, and all enchilada sauces. Let this simmer for about 8-10 minutes
  6. Add cheese and stir until cheese is melted through. 
  7. Add sour cream but DO NOT bring to a boil. The sour cream will curdle if it gets too hot. Cook on low heat and stir until sour cream is well mixed and heated through.
  8. Drain pasta and return to pot. Then pour sauce in pasta pot. 

Time to eat:

  1. Once it's all cooked you can add olives, or avocados, green onion, and more sour cream if you like.

Cook's Note: 

  • When I can, I usually cook and shred the chicken ahead of time. The cook time and shredding can be a little time consuming, so it was easier for me to make it then refrigerate it until I was ready for it. 
  • The directions above yields a lot of food (great for a dinner party). Way too much for just my husband and I. When I make it again in the future I'll use 1 chicken breast, 1 can of green enchilada sauce, and 1-2 cups of pasta. Fortunately, this is still pretty good reheated!
  • I accidentally used the whole bag of cheese :( It was a bit too cheesy; it wasn't bad necessarily. It was just a bit too much.
  • This dish isn't really spicy or hot, but if you're the type who doesn't like that stuff, leave out the green chillies.
  • Oh, your kitchen will look like this when you're done:
Soooo worth it though!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

My To-Watchlist - Part Two

Here begins part two of my anticipated movies. Again, they will appear in order of release date. 

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    • Release date: December 20, 2011
    • Description:  Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by Lisbeth Salander, a young computer hacker.
    • Why it's on the list: I haven't read the book series, although I know people who have and they loved it. So, it's definitely on my to-read list (hmmm, another blog list series....?). The real reason why I want to see this is because I've seen the three original Swedish films and loved them! Noomi Rapace was an excellent Lisbeth Salander. You know when you see a film and think "Wow, what a great performance! I can't think of another person who could have pulled this role off". That's how I felt watching Mrs. Rapace. I'm curious to see how Rooney Mara does.  I also have to admit, I got a little lost with the Swedish version (subtitles never scare me off, but it's hard to read and follow the action at times). Maybe watching the movie in English I'll pick up on more :)
  • The Darkest Hour
    • Release date: December 25, 2011
    • Description:  In Moscow, five young people lead the charge against an alien race who have attacked Earth via our power supply.
    • Why it's on the list: Moscow seems like an interesting backdrop. An alien invasion and a post-apocalyptic type world is not a new theme (Especially since we're now less than a year a way from "the end".....), so I have a feeling more movies of this genre will be coming out. The "invisible aliens" use electricity as energy to pass through the city and destroy everything in it's path. It's going to be heavy on CGI and thrills. Sounds like a great way to spend an hour an a half to me. 
  • The Devil Inside
    • Release date: January 6, 2012
    • Description:  In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.
    • Why it's on the list: I hadn't heard anything about this movie until I was leaving the movie theater a few weeks ago and saw the poster. I instantly wanted to see it. Oh, and the rumor is it's "based on a true story". Now I was really hooked! No, I don't believe the movie is based on truth (yes, Hollywood, something like this happened to someone somewhere at some point in time - that doesn't make it fact). But, it looks like it's good for a few chills and some jumping-out-of-my-seat moments.
  • Underworld Awakening
    • Release date: January 20, 2012
    • Description:  When human forces discover the existence of the Vampire and Lycan clans, a war to eradicate both species commences. The vampire warrioress Selene leads the battle against humankind.
    • Why it's on the list:  I've been a fan of the Underworld series since the the first Underworld in 2003. It's (personally) one of the better Vampire vs Werewolf movies out there. All the Vamp and Werewolf movies/TV shows take their own creative liberty with how and why they are what they are. Some Vamps can see their reflection, some can't. Some series have you believe one bite from a Vampire turns you in to one of them, some series it's a long process. Some Werewolves can shift any time they want, some can only shift at the full moon. Either way, it's fun to watch. And as if Selene didn't have enough to worry about, now the humans are after her. [Ed. note: Is a human versus a Vampire really a fight?? I guess we'll find out.] My only worry about this movie is it's being released in January. Traditionally, January is Hollywood's dumping ground for movies that can't quite make the summer or winter cut. Also, Len Wiseman only has a writing credit for this one. He directed the first two installments, and did a fantastic job. Rise of the Lycans was good, but it revolved around the Lycan history and it just didn't have the same feel as the first two. Prequels don't seem have the same magic that the original had. But, I will not let those facts sway my opinion on the movie.
  • The Grey
    • Release date: January 27, 2012
    • Description:  In Alaska, an oil drilling team struggle to survive after a plane crash strands them in the wild. Hunting the humans are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders.
    • Why it's on the list: This looks like a cross between Alive (plane crash in remote and snowy location while fighting to survive) and Taken (a pissed off Liam Neeson kicking ass). As I've stated above, a January release date has me worried. But I'm not going to make any assumptions. 
  • The Vow
    • Release date: February 10, 2012
    • Description:  A car accident puts Paige (McAdams) in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe memory loss, her husband Leo (Tatum) works to win her heart again.
    • Why it's on the list: This movie has The Notebook and 50 First Dates written all over it. But, I want to see it anyway. It's like a Lifetime movie, but with talent :)

That concludes part two! Click here to read part one if you wish. 
Any of these movies look particularly interesting to you? Any movies you think I missed?? Let me know!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Breakfast cups

I've been seeing these delicious little cups floating all over Pinterest lately. They look easy enough. And I always love a new recipe that requires very little ingredients, and/or supplies, and/or steps. As illustrated by this post.
I'm not a bacon fan, but my husband is, so I figured he'd appreciate these. 
Supplies you'll need
Half cooked bacon
Bread cups

Ready to bake!
Perfectly cooked!
Yes, they are as good as they look!
  1. Six slices of whole-wheat bread
  2. Six slices if low-sodium bacon
  3. Six large eggs
  4. Salt and ground pepper


  1. Muffin tin
  2. Pam cooking spray
  3. Rolling pin (if desired)
  4. Kniffe (if desired)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In a frying pan, start cooking the bacon over medium heat. Four minutes on one side, then one minute on the other. Do not fully cook the bacon, it will continue cooking in the oven. 
  3. Slightly flatten the bread with your hand (or rolling pin). Once it's flat, press bread in to the muffin tin. Then tear (or cut) off the excess bread. The bread needs to come up to the edge of the cup.
  4. Wrap bacon around the inside of the bread cup.
  5. Crack an egg open over each cup. Careful to keep as much of the egg in the bacon as possible.
  6. Salt and pepper the egg to taste.
  7. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Until egg white are just set. (My gas oven took 21 minutes).
  8. Serve and enjoy :)

Cook's notes:

  1. While the bacon was cooking, I was working with the bread. Since the bacon only needs to cook for a few minutes, it was done while I was still fussing with the bread. I put the bacon between paper towels to soak up some grease - not necessary, though. Multi-tasking at it's finest.
  2. This recipe called for butter to coat the muffin tin and then the bread cup; I didn't do this. I sprayed the tin with Pam, but I forgot to lightly butter the bread. Fortunately, it turned out just fine. I could see an issue though if I over cooked it. 
  3. My bacon was just slightly too cooked for this recipe. The bacon wasn't as plyable as it should be. 
  4. Some recipes state lay the bacon over the cup, some even use two slices of bacon to make an X in the middle of the cup. I wrapped it, because i think it looks better. 
  5. Standard muffin pans come in 6- or 12-cup size; if baking 6 items in a 12-cup pan, leave empty space in between. Nonstick pans are nice but not essential. Beware of very thin pans, which often lead to burning.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Japanese Cherry Blossom vinyl wall art

A while back we went on a shopping excursion to Ikea. I'm not a huge fan of Ikea; their products tend to be really cheap or really expensive. If you buy cheap, well, it looks and feels cheap. But if you can shell out the money for the good stuff, it's worth it. Yes, you get what you pay for. This gentleman's thoughts on Ikea pretty much sums it up. That said, I do enjoy their showroom floor; they offer great decorating tips. But when you start adding everything up, the price tag is staggering. So, I usually make my way to the bottom floor. That's where the deals are. Great prices in tea lights, candle holders, various kitchen utensils, picture frames, great things like that. Which is where I found these vinyl wall clings. 
We live in an apartment, and in typical apartment style, the walls are very white. Stark white. Insane asylum white! Unfortunately, painting isn't an option. Because the wall is blindingly white, anything on the walls really stand out. That's why I think these clings will look so cute! They're a light gray, so the branches will stand out, but not over-power the wall.

Wall before cleaning
Wall after cleaning

A real cherry blossom for inspiration

Vinyl cherry blossom as a guide

I searched the internet to get an idea for how cherry blossoms grow and look like. The above two pictures are the best I could find to use as an inspiration and a guide. 

Supplies you'll need.

Cut out the branches, flowers, and birds.

Close up details.

Final decision for layout.

Sloooowly coming together.


Humming bird

I've never done a project like this before, and I'm happy with the results. Pretty decent for my first time. Thankfully the adhesive isn't so tacky that it will damage the walls in our apartment. 

  1. Clean your wall or surface. Just a little soapy water is fine. You want to be sure that your surface is smooth, dry and free of dust and dirt. 
  2. While the wall was drying, I cut out all the pieces.
  3. Plan your layout. Arrange your vinyl on your surface using masking tape (top edge only), do not remove the white backing until you are happy with your layout. This makes it easier to fix and rearrange your design. Note: The vinyl is removable, but cannot be repositioned or reused.
  4. Once you're content with your design, it's time to apply the vinyl (I started from the bottom left corner and worked my way up). Carefully peel the white backing away from the transfer tape. As you lower the vinyl to your surface, carefully move your hand across the vinyl, starting at the top center and working your way out to the edges and bottom. With your scrapper, finish the application by rubbing over the vinyl to secure it to your surface and remove any air bubbles. Note: When I took the picture, I did not have an actual scrapper until my husband brought one home from work. Some websites state you can use a credit card, I would advise against this. The thin edge can cut and scrape in to the paint. Not to mention if you push too hard and break the card. A a plastic scrapper worked best.

  • Vinyl can be applied to walls, wood, glass, concrete, metal, or any other smooth, dry surface. 
  • As I was working my way from bottom to top, the branches and flowers didn't go back on in the exact same spot, this is why it's best to work bottom to top. You have more room to make adjustments.
  • Sometimes the masking tape can be very sticky. Make sure no residue gets left on the wall and that you don't rip your vinyl (this happened twice before I realized I should be a bit more careful).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My To-Watchlist - Part One

I love movies. I don't discriminate on genres, either. Comedy, scary, thriller, action, romcom, suspenseful, or what have you. I love them all. 
I prefer movies over TV, quite honestly. TV is full of commercials (yes, I realize movies have product placement - but it tends to be less obvious), crappy "reality" shows, and unoriginal jokes. That's not to say I don't watch any TV. I love True Blood (I'm a Trubie!), American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, The Simpson's, Family Guy, Sons of Anarchy, and a few others. My taste in TV is diverse much like my movie preferences. 
I love to watch a big-budget action thriller just as much as I enjoy watching an Independent film. 
I keep up on movie news (NOT the gossip that gets passed off as "news") because it's the best way to hear about new casting, new release dates, movie details, and things like that. IMDb is the best resource I've found so far (I use their Buzz app daily). They have this handy My Watchlist feature that basically bookmarks a movies IMDb profile so you can easily go back an reference it. 
I've decided to share the movies I'm looking forward to seeing. The list is a little long, but don't worry! I'm breaking it up in to a series and I've kept the description down to a minimum. I also decided not to include every single movie in my list, as that would just be too much :).
 The list is in order of upcoming release date.
  • Like Crazy
    • Release date: October 28, 2011, Limited release
    • Description:  A British college student falls for an American student, only to be separated from him when she's banned from the U.S. after overstaying her visa.
    • Why it's on the list: It looks like a great little love story. And what girl isn't a sucker for one of those!? Anton Yelchin is a talented young actor (Fright Night and Middle of Nowhere are two of his best). Also, I can relate to the long distance relationship story line.
  • Anonymous
    • Release date: October 28, 2011, Limited release
    • Description:  A political thriller advancing the theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford who penned Shakespeare's plays; set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her.
    • Why it's on the list: You're telling me you have evidence that Shakespeare was a fraud?! Mon Dieu!! I'm not in to "political thrillers", but I do enjoy a good conspiracy theory. It's amazing how many modern day phrases we use that were coined by The Bard himself. Not only phrases, but movie plots - modern adaptions or just a rough story lines. I'm curious to see how the story plays out. And more importantly, if I believe it.
  • A Lonely Place to Die
    • Release date: November 11, 2011, Limited release
    • Description:  A group of five mountaineers are hiking and climbing in the Scottish Highlands when they discover a young Serbian girl buried in a small chamber in the wilderness. They become caught up in a terrifying game of cat and mouse with the kidnappers as they try to get the girl to safety.
    • Why it's on the list: A movie that looks like it has promising cinematography is exciting. This, combined with fast-paced action and very little places to hide sounds  great. Mellisa George was in a few of my favorite films (Turistas, 30 Days of Night, and The Amityville Horror remake). 
  • Melancholia
    • Release date: November 11, 2011, Limited release
    • Description:  Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide into the Earth.
    • Why it's on the list: A plant is on a crash course for Earth, ehe?? Not sure how I feel about that, but Lars von Trier is known to have great character development in his films which is something that is lacking in most most. Kirstin Dunst is generating some serious Oscar buzz for her performance (she won Best Actress for this roll at Cannes this year). It also boasts a great ensemble cast. While it runs long (almost two and a half hours), I hear it's worth the time. A thought provoking film is always something I look forward to.
  • Haywire
    • Release date: January 20, 2012
    • Description:  A black ops super soldier seeks payback after she is betrayed and set up during a mission.
    • Why it's on the list: A black ops super soldier?! SOLD! I'm a sucker for an action movie with a strong female lead (Think: Tomb Raider, the Resident Evil and Underworld franchises). It also has an impressive cast; even if the lead is a relative new-comer. I'm not going in to this film thinking: "Oh, great! A character driven piece that makes me identify with the character and her strife and struggles!". No, I'm going in to this film to see this bitch kick some major ass. Because sometimes, that's all you really need in a movie.
  • The Innkeepers
    • Release date: February 3, 2012
    • Description:  During the final days at the Yankee Pedlar Inn, two employees determined to reveal the hotel's haunted past begin to experience disturbing events as old guests check in for a stay.
    • Why it's on the list: I loooove a good scary movie! It clearly takes place in an old haunted house, and I'm assuming the house is a character in itself - which is awesome (I'm thinking it's like The Others). Good ghost stories are always intriguing. Also Sara Paxton was great in The Last House on the Left remake. This should be good.

Here is part one. I'm disappointed that there doesn't seem to be many comedies coming out in the next few months. Or, I should say comedies that look like something I want to see. 

Stay tuned for Part Two!

      Friday, December 16, 2011

      Oreo Truffles

      A few months ago, while I was bored at work, I came across an Oreo truffle recipe that was:
      1. Easy.
      2. Had very little ingredients.
      3. Used some ingredients I already had at home.
      4. Sounded freakin delicious!

      The recipe called for a whole bag of Oreo's and yielded between 40-46 truffles, depending on how big you rolled them. If they turned out as heavenly as they look, my husband and I would eat them all - which is something we DO NOT need to do. On the other hand, if they suck, we're stuck with them.
      I asked my friends Christie and Genelle if they wanted to make them with me. I figured we could have a fun day of baking other treats also. Quick note: Genelle's fabulous blog can be found here
      So, us girls decided to make a day of it! Genelle was gracious enough to let us invade her kitchen for an afternoon. 
      Regrettably, I forgot to take a picture of all the ingredients and supplies that are needed. The good news is, you don't need much! Just a package of Oreo's, softened cream cheese, candy melts (or any other dipping chocolate), sprinkles, or any other adornments you prefer. 
      As for supplies, you'll need wax paper, a food processor (not necessary, but helpful), and an electronic or stand mixer (again, not a necessity, but very handy).
      See what I mean about easy??

      Oreo Truffles before

      Our Oreo truffle rolling only produced 35 balls. According to the directions, we may have made them a bit too big - doesn't matter, still delectable. 
      If you've ever made CakePops, the dipping in melts is pretty much the same. Except truffles don't have a stick. 

      Oreo Truffles after

      As you can see, not all the truffles made it to the final picture stage.... So worth it though!

      These are super easy, and not as time consuming as you may think. They're great for holiday gifts, or to leave out at a holiday party (or they can be personalized for a baby shower, or a birthday, or any other occasion), or any other event.

      • 1 (16 ounce) package Oreo's, divided
      • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
      • Candy melts, or any other dipping chocolate

      1. Crush 9 of the cookies to fine crumbs in food processor; reserve for later use. (Cookies can also be finely crushed in a resealable plastic bag using a rolling pin.) 
      2. Crush remaining 36 cookies to fine crumbs; place in medium bowl. Add cream cheese; mix until well blended. Roll cookie mixture into 42 balls, about 1-inch in diameter.
      3. Dip balls in chocolate; place on wax paper-covered baking sheet. (Any leftover chocolate can be stored at room temperature for another use.) Sprinkle with reserved cookie crumbs.
      4. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour. Store leftover truffles, covered, in refrigerator.

      A few tips: 
      • We used a knock-off brand Oreo, and they were just as tasty and easy to work with. 
      • I read online that using double stuffed Oreo's were too difficult to work with (I guess they fall apart easily). 
      • Chilling the truffle prior to dipping is the key step (it keeps the truffle in a ball-form rather than falling to pieces while dipping). Not frozen, just cool to the touch.
      • We rolled the truffle between two spoons to keep from getting finger prints on the coating (a technique like rolling cookie dough between two spoons to make a ball). 
      • If you choose to decorate the truffles with sprinkles, this needs to be done before the candy melts dry.